Unknown Coffee Shop
We received the following message from an email address without a name. The kind with an animal and a pun in the title. The spelling was atrocious in the original version, so we have edited where necessary. Although we sent an email asking for further information, we have had no reply.
So I saw your advert, and it freaked me out. I have seen this girl before. Well, kind of.
In the cafe I work in we’ve got one of those coffee machines with a long chrome plate across the top. The manager makes sure we keep it polished, and I spend a great deal of the day looking at this substitute mirror.
When you make someone a coffee, you see the reflection of anyone who you are serving in the metal. At peak hours they blend into each other, but on a quiet shift they are clear enough.
Sometimes I see a reflection, look round, and there is nobody there. I thought this might be a corner of the coat rack, or part of a chair. But then how did it move?
For the first two months of here, the reflection freaked me out every time. I considered telling my manager, or even going to the doctor, but what could I say? After a while, I accepted this must be an optical illusion, something like that.
But when I saw you advert, I knew it was her. And I don’t know what to think.
I don’t understand what she is doing in a cafe. The only thing I can think of is that you can’t have coffee without water. And all our water comes straight out of the taps.
Why she visits this place in particular I don’t know. I wish I could tell you exactly where I work, but I don’t really want this going any further. But maybe this happens everywhere? I don’t know.
We assume the cafe is somewhere near Pierrepoint Street.