Newbridge Road

Newbridge Road

This email examines a place we consider the start of the water points in Bath. At the end of a serious piece of dual carriageway is a humpback bridge more suited to the countryside. Beneath is a gorgeous chunk of the Avon, habited by ducks, rowers, and the odd canal boat. Trains chug past acres of crops nearby

No name, but a good story.

Hi both,

I hope the following doesn't sound pretentious. My language gets breezy at times. Bath is a cool place to go fishing. Not that I go fishing. But when I look down at those with their rods, and their little baskets, they always have smiles on their faces.

I live near those fishermen, and try to make it down when I can. It's a free ticket to a countryside walk. I always stop on the humpback bridge on the way out of town. Considering the buses run across the top, the air is always still.  

One day, I saw what looked like a woman floating beneath the surface. The only thing that stopped me calling the emergency services was I didn't know whether to call for police or an ambulance.I craned over the wall to get a better view, but by then only dark waters flowed underneath.I thought it must have been an optical illusion, or she had slipped under the water.

And then (and honestly, I swear), the same woman walked along the riverbank. On the side where there isn’t a path. Only a field. I don’t even know how you get over there.

What could I do? Tell the police that someone went swimming in the river?Cheers for your post. It is nice to get my story out. I don’t know much about a goddess, but I know her face.

A glorious slice of the Avon.

A glorious slice of the Avon.

Parade Gardens

Parade Gardens

Gilt Bronze Head

Gilt Bronze Head