One word sums up the last month of responses. Progression.
Our inbox lit up with new reports of Sulis Minerva,Sulis, or whatever you desire to call her. Encounters from all over the city. We filtered, edited, sent out dozens of requests for more information. Not everything is gold. As before, we had clear hoaxes and spam.
And we swear, this is not a viral advertising campaign. No need to contact us to check.
You can read the most interesting stories in wave two. Alongside these tales we have included some of our original research, and delved further into the history of Bath. We also took a very pleasant trip around another sight of the goddess. Our map contains all the locations of our latest sightings.
That map is getting crowded.
This influx is hard to dismiss. Their similarities push the boundary of coincidence. More stories near the water. Further reports of a woman matching the same general description, in odd places at different times of the day. The potential ramifications are ginormous. But we include the crucial caveat that these could be lies. Anyone can use wave one as a template to send us make believe. However, if this is the case, a lot of people have gone to a lot of effort. And that in itself is of interest.
The number on the side of our inbox continues to grow. If you have a story, get in touch.
The waters of Bath are in constant flux.